How Can We Help?

28 October 2013

Here at YourTradebase HQ we want to help make your paperwork management as easy as possible, that’s why we’ve created our new interactive help desk.

Our new help desk means you can speak to one of our team straight away if you have a problem, question or feedback to give to us. All you have to do is click the help tag when you’re signed in, choose to chat to us live, and a team member will be there to help you out.

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Not signed in or not signed up for YourTradebase but still want to chat with us? Don’t worry you can also click the chat button on the YourTradebase homepage and get talking to us!

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It talking isn’t your style, you can always send us a message too or search our database for an answer to a query you might have.

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Don’t forget you can also get in touch with us on our Twitter and Facebook pages to keep up to date on any changes or updates we’re doing!

By Adam Austin

Co-founder of YourTradebase. One quick, easy app that frees you from paperwork and lets you get back to the job you love.

Take a totally free 30 day trial

No fuss. No strings. No credit card needed.

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