New: price labour into your quotes and invoices
We’ve added the ability to calculate your labour costs when pricing quotes and creating invoices. You can now:
- Calculate multiple labour costs per quote or invoice item
- Save different rates of labour to your price lists
- Quickly select saved labour rates when pricing your paperwork
- Choose how to display labour to your customers: hide labour, show labour total, or show a breakdown of labour

Labour rates are available within your quote and invoice items for you to start using.
Learn more about saving labour to your labour rates list.
Print the materials required for your quotes
If you’re adding and pricing materials to your quotes, you can now view all the required materials for each quote in one easy list.
You can also print your material list or download them it to a PDF. (Handy for trips to the suppliers or ordering materials to site!)

Improved price lists
We’ve also upgraded your Services price lists with some major improvements:
- Save work items to your price lists from within paperwork items
- Breakdown materials and labour costs within your service prices
- Select an item from your service price list when creating paperwork and any materials or labour included for that service is automatically populated for you
- Re-use your saved services more quickly and easily, and save time typing!

Learn more about setting and saving your services in YourTradebase.
By Adam Austin
Co-founder of YourTradebase.
One quick, easy app that frees you from paperwork and lets you get back to the job you love.