We Still Need You!

30 June 2012

We’ve decided to extend our search for Beta Testers for one more week, so if you haven’t signed up yet to help us test the new and improved YourTradebase you still have chance to!

If you haven’t seen what has been going on, we’re launching a new YourTradebase in August and until then we need the help of Beta Testers to try out the new version early. This is so we can see what works and what doesn’t. It’ll also give you the chance to give us feedback on the new version and what we can do to improve it. YourTradebase can only a success if we hear back from the people who will be using it!

It’s simply and easy to do, you’ll be upgraded to the new version early and you’ll give us a bit of feedback!

Plus there is also the added incentive of 6 months free membership if you do help us out!

Just send us you details to app@yourtradebase.com and we’ll be in touch!

You can also keep up to date with when we’re launching the new and improved YourTradebase and what new features it’ll have via our Facebook and Twitter pages.

By Adam Austin

Co-founder of YourTradebase. One quick, easy app that frees you from paperwork and lets you get back to the job you love. yourtradebase.com

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