The New YourTradeBase Tour

19 June 2012

We’re really excited to be able to show you over the next few weeks little snippets of what you can expect from the new YourTradebase. But we’re not going to give the entire game away!

The biggest thing you’ll notice about the new YourTradebase is the shift in focus (and your dashboard design). Over time and with feedback from you, we realised that YourTradebase had to evolve to mirror how you work.

The new YourTradebase is now more focussed on your jobs, and how you work, rather than your paperwork.

We believe this makes YourTradebase a better tool for you. We’ve done this by creating Jobs that you can do all of your work from. Meaning everything is in one place, under one Job: estimates, invoicing, check list of tasks and contacts.

It makes for a faster and cleaner way for you to work, because you can open your ‘Mr and Mrs Jones’ Job’ and see if your estimates have been accepted, if you have sent your invoices, and even if Tony your bricks supplier has come back with a price. It also means if a customer wants more work, you can add this very quickly and easily to a job and re-calculate the price.

The new YourTradebase is much more about total job management, not just your paperwork. So you can easily manage every job you get from start to finish in one place, giving you much more focus.

This is just the beginning of what we’re going to show you, so keep checking our Facebook and Twitter pages to see the next updates, or subscribe to our email newsletter to be the first to know when we launch.

By Adam Austin

Co-founder of YourTradebase. One quick, easy app that frees you from paperwork and lets you get back to the job you love.

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