New in YTB: features for better paperwork management

29 March 2014

Browse all your paperwork, from all time, more easily

We’ve heard a feature request frequently these last few weeks: the ability to view all quotes or invoices in one place.

Whether it was to just see all outstanding invoices, see which invoices had been paid, or what quotes had been declined in the last month, it was one of our most requested new features.

We listened to our users and agreed that seeing all your paperwork in one place would be a great help.

So, we’re extremely pleased to announce our new paperwork section.

Now – all in one place – you can more easily see:

Here’s what it looks like in YourTradebase:

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See all your outstanding invoices in one list

Further to our new paperwork section, we’ve also been able to include another popular feature request…

Now – one click away from the dashboard – you can view all of your outstanding invoices in one list.

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Paperwork thumbnails updated

Your paperwork thumbs have also been updated and given a spring clean, with features including:

We think these changes have made paperwork thumbs easier to browse, easier to see what’s what, and more helpful at a glance.


What do you think of these changes?

Anything you think we’ve missed in YourTradebase?

Get in touch and let us know… your suggestion could well be the next feature we announce!




By Adam Austin

Co-founder of YourTradebase. One quick, easy app that frees you from paperwork and lets you get back to the job you love.

Take a totally free 30 day trial

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